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Regulations on Requests for Instructions and Reports on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China

Release time: 2024-05-06 10:37:22 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

 Issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Regulations on Request for Instructions and Reports on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China

  Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Regulations on the Request for Instructions and Reports on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly comply with the implementation。

  notice,The system of requesting instructions and reporting is an important political, organizational and work discipline of our Party,It is an effective working mechanism for the implementation of democratic centralism,对于坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership,We will ensure the unity, unity and concerted action of the whole Party,Of great significance。The promulgation of the Regulations will help improve the institutionalization, standardization, and scientific level of requests for instructions and reports on major matters。

  The notice requires that Party organizations at all levels should conscientiously organize and study the Regulations, so that the majority of Party members and cadres can accurately grasp the significance, basic principles, main content and work requirements of major matters, and strengthen ideological consciousness and action consciousness。Leading cadres at all levels should earnestly shoulder their political responsibilities and ensure that their respective regions and departments earnestly do a good job of requesting instructions and reporting in strict accordance with the subjects, matters, procedures and methods stipulated in the Regulations。All central departments and the Party group (Party Committee) of the central State organs should take the lead in implementing the Regulations, effectively strengthen the work of requesting instructions and reporting to the Party Central Committee, and strengthen the guidance of the work of requesting instructions and reporting in the system and in the field in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations。It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Regulations to ensure that all provisions are fully implemented。

  The full text of the Regulations on Requests for Instructions and Reports on Major Matters of the Communist Party of China is as follows。

  Chapter I General provisions

  Article 1 In order to strengthen and standardize the work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters, strictly enforce the Party's political, organizational and work discipline, and ensure that the whole Party and the whole country obey the CPC Central Committee and its political decrees in a smooth manner, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Guidelines for Intra-Party Political Life Under New Circumstances and other Intra-Party regulations。

  第二条 重大事项请示报告工作以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,We must ensure that the Party manages itself with full and strict self-governance,Implement democratic centralism,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership,We will ensure the unity, unity and concerted action of the whole Party,Ensure that the Party always has overall control and coordinates all parties。

  Article 3 These Regulations apply to activities related to major matters that Party organizations at lower levels report to Party organizations at higher levels, and Party members and leading cadres report to Party organizations for instructions。

  Major matters referred to in these Regulations,It means exceeding the scope of functions and powers of Party organizations, party members and leading cadres themselves,Or important matters and situations that are within the scope of their own powers but have a bearing on the overall situation and have a wide impact,This includes Party organizations implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the decisions of higher-level Party organizations, leading economic and social development affairs, and implementing the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Party members perform their duties and exercise their rights,Important matters and circumstances concerning the exercise of power and responsibility by leading cadres。

  The term "request for instructions" as used in these Regulations refers to requests for instructions or approval on major matters from lower-level Party organizations to higher-level Party organizations, and from Party members and leading cadres to Party organizations;The term "report" refers to the reporting of important matters and important information by lower-level Party organizations to higher-level Party organizations, and by Party members and leading cadres to Party organizations。

  Article 4 The following principles shall be followed in carrying out the work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters:

  1. Adhere to the political orientation。Firmly establish the "four consciousness", implement the "four obedience", take the request for instructions and report as an important political discipline and political rule, and implement political requirements into the whole process and all aspects of the request for instructions and report work。

  2. Ensuring clarity of powers and responsibilities。Bearing in mind that the mandate is limited, the request must be requested and the report must be reported;Remember that there is a duty to defend the country, and those who should be responsible must be responsible, and those who should be responsible must be held accountable。

  3. Be objective and truthful。Comprehensively and truthfully report the work, reflect the situation, analyze problems, and put forward suggestions, reporting both good news and bad news, reporting both achievements and mistakes, reporting both results and processes。

  4. Adhering to norms and order。We will implement the requirements of governing the Party in accordance with regulations, and carry out requests for instructions and reports on major matters in strict accordance with the subject, scope, procedures, and methods stipulated in the Party Constitution and regulations。

  Article 5 The Party organizations of all regions and departments bear the main responsibility for the work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters, and the main responsible comrades of the party organizations are the first responsible persons and bear the overall responsibility for the work of requesting instructions and reporting。

  The General Office of the CPC Central Committee is responsible for accepting and handling major matters concerning requests for instructions and reports to the CPC Central Committee, as well as coordinating, supervising and guiding the requests for instructions and reports from various regions and departments to the CPC Central Committee。The general office (office) of the local Party committee shall be responsible for accepting and handling major matters that request instructions and reports from the Party committee at the same level, and coordinate, supervise and guide the work of requesting instructions and reports in the local area。

  Chapter II The subject of the Party organization's request for instructions and report

  Article 6 Requests for instructions and reports by Party organizations shall generally be carried out in the name of the organization, and requests for instructions and reports shall be made to higher-level party organizations that are responsible for leadership or supervision and guidance。Under special circumstances, the Party may, in the name of the responsible comrade of the Party organization, request instructions and report on behalf of the Party organization according to the needs of the work。

  The request for instruction report shall be carried out step by step, and generally shall not exceed the level of the request for instruction report。Under special circumstances, they may directly request instructions and reports from higher-level Party organizations in accordance with relevant regulations。

  Article 7 A unit party organization that accepts dual leadership shall, in accordance with the nature and content of the matter, request instructions and reports from the higher Party organization that has the main leadership responsibilities, and at the same time send a copy to another higher Party organization。Under special circumstances, a copy to another higher party organization may not be sent。

  Article 8 A unit Party organization under centralized leadership and management must submit to the leadership of the Party organization approved for its establishment, request instructions and report on its work, and, in accordance with relevant regulations, request instructions and report to the Party organization under centralized leadership and management。

  Article 9 A unit party organization that receives centralized guidance, coordination or supervision shall, in general, send a copy to the unit Party organization that has guidance, coordination or supervision responsibilities when requesting instructions and reports from the higher level Party organization。

  The unit party organization with the responsibility of guidance, coordination or supervision shall coordinate the request and report work of the unit party organization in the region, field, industry and system, and uniformly request and report the overall situation and the completion of leading matters to the party organization at the higher level。

  Article 10 Major matters involving cross-regional, cross-field, cross-industry and cross-system shall be jointly requested and reported by the relevant Party organization to the Party organization at a common higher level。The joint request for instructions and report shall clearly lead the Party organization。

  Where the Party and government organs jointly request instructions and report, the superior party and government organs shall generally be listed as the object of the request and report at the same time。

  Article 11 In accordance with the rules and regulations within the Party, the Party's decision-making, deliberation and coordination organs and the Party's work organs may, within the scope of their functions and powers, accept requests for instructions and reports from lower-level Party organizations and handle them。

  The principal comrades in charge of Party organizations may accept requests for instructions and reports from lower-level Party organizations on their overall work or certain aspects of their work;Relevant comrades in charge may accept requests for instructions and reports from lower-level Party organizations on the work in their respective areas of competence, and may also accept requests for instructions and reports from lower-level Party organizations on overall work on the behalf of the Party organization or the comrade in charge of the Party organization。

  Chapter III Matters concerning requests for instructions and reports by Party organizations

  Article 12 Major principles and policies concerning the overall work of the Party and the State,Major principles and issues in the construction of economic, political, cultural, social, ecological civilization and Party building,Matters under the centralized and unified management of the Party Central Committee, such as national security, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, foreign affairs, national defense, and the armed forces,And other major matters that can only be led and decided by the Party Central Committee,We must report to the Party Central Committee for instructions。

  Article 13 A Party organization shall request instructions from the Party organization at a higher level on the following matters:

  (1) Implementing important situations and problems in the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and decisions of higher-level Party organizations, requiring policies and measures for adjustment, and special difficulties requiring support;

  (2) Major reform measures, major legislative matters, major institutional changes, major project advancement, major emergencies, major institutional adjustments, appointment and removal of important officials, important commendations and awards, major violations of discipline and law, and handling of complex and sensitive cases;

  (3) Clearly specify important meetings, important activities and important documents that need to be requested;

  (4) the publicity and reporting caliber of major activities and important policies, the overall problems and problems that are difficult to grasp in news propaganda and ideological work;

  (e) the introduction of major innovative measures, especially in the face of new situations and new problems without explicit provisions, need to be tested first, or innovative measures may conflict with existing regulations, need to be authorized to implement;

  (6) matters that fall within the scope of their functions and powers but are of great importance or are particularly sensitive;

  (7) There are large differences of opinion when making major decisions;

  (8) Major matters requiring coordination and promotion by higher Party organizations in cross-regional, cross-field, cross-industry, and cross-system work;

  (9) Adjust the scope of communication and knowledge of the documents of the superior Party organization and the spirit of the meeting, and use the speeches, audio and video materials of the responsible comrades of the superior Party organization that have not been made public;

  (10) Other major matters for which instructions should be requested。

  It is not necessary to request instructions from the Party organization at a higher level for the following matters: daily work within the scope of its own powers;The Party organization at a higher level has given explicit approval on relevant issues;Matters that can be reported after the fact。

  Article 14 A Party organization shall report the following matters to the Party organization at a higher level:


  (二)党中央以及上级党组织重要会议、Important document、重大决策部署贯彻落实情况,习近平总书记重要指示批示贯彻落实情况,上级党组织负责同志交办事项的研究办理情况;

  3. Strengthen Party building,Fulfill the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Including concentrated learning and education activities, ideological work, Party organization setup and affiliation adjustment, democratic life, Party conduct and clean government construction, implementation of the spirit of the Central Committee's eight provisions, Party members and cadres directly contact the masses, inspection and rectification, and discovery of major violations of discipline and law;

  (4) Comprehensive work summary and plan;

  (5) The implementation of major projects;

  (6) The handling of major sensitive incidents, emergencies and mass incidents;

  (7) important situations and major public opinions arising from economic and social development;

  (8) Experience, practices, opinions and suggestions in the work of the region, department or unit that have popularized the value in a wider scope;

  (9) Other major matters that should be reported。

  The following matters need not be reported to the Party organization at a higher level: specific affairs;Statements and reflections without substantive content。

  Article 15 Party organizations shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, report the following matters to Party organizations at higher levels:

  (1) Inner-Party regulations and normative documents;

  (2) Division of labor among members of the leading team;

  (3) appointment and removal of relevant cadres;

  (4) resignation, removal or automatic termination of a member or alternate member of the Party Committee;

  (5) Other major matters that should be reported。

  Article 16 The central decision-making and deliberation coordination bodies, central departments, and party groups (Party committees) of relevant central state organs shall put forward clear requirements and strengthen work guidance on specific matters in the field, industry, and system for instructions and reports。

  The higher-level party organizations should proceed from the actual situation, and put forward requirements for the integration of similar matters with similar themes and related contents in the lower-level party organizations' request reports, so as to promote the simplification and pragmatism of the request reports。

  Article 17 Party organizations shall, in accordance with the scope and content of the requests for instructions and reports provided for in these Regulations and in combination with the requirements of their superiors and their own actual conditions, formulate a list of requests for instructions and reports。

  Chapter IV Procedures for requesting instructions and reporting by Party organizations

  Article 18 Requests for instructions on major matters shall generally be collectively studied or approved by the leading group of the Party organization, and signed or made by the main responsible comrades。If necessary, it shall be reported in advance to the comrade in charge of the Party organization at a higher level for approval。

  Where two or more Party organizations jointly request instructions and report, they shall submit the request after reaching a consensus through consultation。Where no consensus is reached, an explanation of the relevant situation shall be given。

  Article 19 Requests for instructions on major matters to Party organizations at higher levels must be made in advance, and sufficient time must be given to the Party organizations at higher levels for research, judgment and decision-making。If the situation is urgent and there is no time to ask for instructions and must be handled on the spot, it shall perform its duties in accordance with the provisions and carry out follow-up requests and reports in a timely manner。

  Periodic reports are carried out at the prescribed time。Special reports should be carried out in a timely manner according to the progress of the work, and special reports that study and implement the spirit of important meetings and documents of the Party organizations at higher levels should pay attention to reflecting the effectiveness of the implementation, and should not blindly seek speed。Major matters assigned by higher Party organizations shall be reported in accordance with the time limit。Sudden major incidents should be reported in a timely manner, and according to the development and disposal of the incident to do a good job of reporting。

  Article 20 A request for instructions shall state the matters requested and the relevant reasons。Where a request for instructions should be submitted in one article, requests for instructions may not be included in non-request documents such as reports。

  For the major matters requested by the lower party organization, if the accepted Party organization needs to request instructions from the higher Party organization in its name, it shall carefully study and put forward handling suggestions in a responsible manner, and may not only transfer the original text to the higher Party organization。

  21st higher party organizations after receiving instructions, generally by the comprehensive department proposed comments to the party organization in charge of comrades in accordance with the provisions of the approval。

  Requests for instructions jointly submitted by Party and government organs shall be handled by party organizations at higher levels。

  Article 22 The Party organization at a higher level shall handle the urgent requests for instructions accepted as soon as possible。Where there is a clear request for a time limit, it shall be completed within the prescribed time limit, and where there are special circumstances that cannot be completed within the prescribed time limit, it shall take the initiative to explain the situation to the lower-level party organization。

  Article 23 The reply to the request for instructions shall generally insist on the reply from the person to whom the request is made. Under special circumstances, the Party organization accepting the request for instructions may authorize the relevant department of the Party organization to reply on its behalf。

  Article 24 The report should have substantive content and reference value, help higher-level party organizations understand the situation, scientific decision-making, and refrain from empty, meritorious and formalistic。The report should be concise and concise, simple style, the comprehensive report submitted to the Party Central Committee is generally less than 5000 words, the special report is generally less than 3000 words, the situation is complex, and the relevant content of the detailed report can be reflected through the annex。

  Article 25 After the higher Party organization receives the report, the comprehensive department shall submit it to the responsible comrade of the Party organization for reading according to the needs of the work。The comprehensive department can submit the reports with the same theme and similar content in a unified and centralized manner, or submit the reports after the summary forms comprehensive materials。

  Where the responsible comrade of the Party organization gives instructions and instructions on the report, the comprehensive department shall handle it in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements。

  Article 26 Party organizations at higher levels shall strengthen the comprehensive analysis and utilization of reports。The typical experience practices that have the value of popularization can be publicized through appropriate forms;The common problems should be paid attention to and solved.As for valuable opinions and suggestions, we should carefully study and absorb them and promote their improvement。

  Article 27 Where the work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters may affect the fair handling of the situation, the relevant personnel shall withdraw。

  Chapter V Methods of requesting instructions and reporting by Party organizations

  Article 28 Party organizations shall, according to the type and urgency of major matters, request instructions and report in oral or written form。

  Article 29 Where requests for instructions and reports on major matters are suitable and simple, oral forms may be adopted。If the situation is urgent or important matters are still in the preliminary brewing stage, a request for instructions may be made orally in advance, and then a supplementary request for instructions shall be made in writing。

  Article 30 The oral request report shall be made by telephone, face to face, meeting, etc。If the content is relatively simple or the situation is very urgent, the telephone can be used;If the content is more complex or the situation is sensitive and special, it can be used in person;If the content is more formal or involves more subjects, the meeting method can be adopted。

  The oral request report shall be well recorded and the materials retained to ensure that there is evidence for reference。

  Article 31 Requests for instructions and reports that are at a relatively mature stage in dealing with non-emergency situations and major matters or that are not suitable for simple and convenient handling shall be made in writing。

  Article 32 The written report shall, as appropriate, be in the form of formal reports, information, briefings, etc。The information focuses on reporting major emergencies, problems, phenomena and situations that need attention, and should be timely, efficient, authoritative and accurate。Briefings focus on reporting a brief overview of one aspect of work。

  Party organizations should make good use of written reports, adhere to the principle of "no two reports", and generally shall not use multiple ways to repeat reports on the same content。Where the Party organization at a higher level explicitly requires an official report, it may not be replaced by any other means。

  Article 33 Party organizations may use telephones, documents, faxes, telegrams, networks and other carriers to carry out their work of requesting instructions and reporting。Confidential matters shall be executed in accordance with the relevant confidentiality provisions。

  Grassroots Party organizations can carry out the work of requesting instructions and reporting more flexible and convenient, and highlight the effectiveness。

  Chapter VI Requests for instructions and reports from Party Members and Leading Cadres

  Article 34 Party members shall, in general, report major matters to their Party organizations for instructions。In general, leading cadres shall request instructions and report important work to their Party organizations。

  Party members and leading cadres shall request instructions from Party organizations and report on personal matters in accordance with relevant regulations。

  Article 35 A Party member shall request instructions from the Party organization on the following matters:

  (1) to engage in important issues in the work assigned by the Party organization;

  (2) to express opinions or make decisions on behalf of the Party organization;

  (3) foreign-related work and communication activities that require instructions in accordance with regulations;

  (4) Transferring the Party's organizational relationship;

  (5) Other matters for which instructions should be requested from the Party organization。

  Article 36 Party members shall report the following matters to the Party organization:

  (1) The implementation of the resolutions of the Party organization and the completion of the tasks assigned by the Party organization;

  (2) To give opinions and suggestions on the work of the Party and leading cadres;

  (3) Finding clues of violations of discipline and law by Party members and leading cadres;

  (4) the situation of moving out;

  (5) Other matters that should be reported to Party organizations。

  Article 37 Leading cadres shall request instructions from Party organizations on the following matters:

  (1) Major matters that are beyond the scope of their functions and powers and should be decided by their Party organization or the Party organization at a higher level;

  (2) Issues and situations that fall within the scope of their functions and powers but are of great importance;

  (3) to express important opinions on behalf of the Party organization;

  (4) Unable to perform duties or leave the place of work for any reason;

  (5) Other matters for which instructions should be requested from the Party organization。

  Article 38 Leading cadres shall report the following matters to Party organizations:


  (二)遵守政治纪律和政治规矩,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership情况;

  (3) Upholding democratic centralism, promoting intra-party democracy, correctly exercising power, and participating in collective leadership;

  (4) Participation in the democratic life of the leading group and the Party branch (Party group) organization of life;

  (5) To fulfill the responsibility of governing the Party, strengthen the construction of Party conduct, clean government and anti-corruption work, and observe the integrity of the discipline;

  (6) major decision-making mistakes or improper handling of emergencies, important problems found in discipline inspection, inspection and audit, and violations of discipline and law;

  (7) Serious diseases that may affect the normal performance of duties;

  (8) Other matters that should be reported to Party organizations。

  Article 39 Party members and leading cadres shall, in accordance with regulations, request instructions and report orally or in writing。Party organizations shall promptly handle requests for instructions from Party members and leading cadres, and may study and deal with reported matters when necessary。

  Chapter VII Supervision and accountability

  Article 40 The Party organization shall include the development of the request for instructions and reports on major matters into the important content of the reporting work of the Party organization at the next level。

  Article 41 Party organizations shall establish and improve the supervision mechanism for the work of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters, and incorporate the implementation of the system into the scope of daily supervision and inspection。

  Article 42 Party organizations shall request instructions and report on major matters as an important part of fulfilling their political responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and conduct assessment and evaluation of lower-level Party organizations and their principal comrades in charge。The assessment and evaluation can be combined with the inspection and assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of Party conduct and clean government and the assessment of party building work, and the results shall be communicated in an appropriate manner。

  Article 43 To establish and improve the error correction mechanism, for major matters in the request for instructions and reports of inappropriate subjects, inaccurate content, non-standard procedures, unreasonable methods and other problems, the Party organization at a higher level shall promptly remind and correct, and reflect the relevant situation in the evaluation report。

  Article 44 The implementation of major matters request report responsibility investigation system, there are any of the following circumstances, should be investigated in accordance with the rules and discipline of the relevant Party organizations and Party members, leading cadres and staff responsibility, suspected of illegal crimes, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws:

  (1) Violating political discipline and rules, arbitrarily making decisions on major matters that should be decided by the Party Central Committee, thereby undermining the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership;

  (2) failing to fulfill leadership responsibilities, failing to attach importance to requests for instructions and reports on major matters, and failing to carry out work effectively;

  (3) In violation of organizational principles, the request for instructions is not requested, the report is not reported;

  (4) lack of responsibility, shirking responsibility, handing over contradictions, negative actions;

  (5) engaging in formalism and bureaucracy, requesting instructions and reports with inaccurate content and inaccurate information, resulting in serious consequences;

  (6) violating work requirements and failing to request instructions and reports in accordance with prescribed procedures and methods, resulting in serious consequences;

  (7) Other circumstances under which responsibility should be investigated。

  Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 45 The Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the decision-making and coordination organs of the central Committee, the Party groups (Party committees) of the central government departments and the ministries and commissions of the central state organs shall formulate specific implementation measures in close connection with the actual work。

  Article 46 The Central Military Commission may, in accordance with these Regulations and in light of the actual conditions of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, formulate relevant provisions。

  Article 47 The General Office of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

  Article 48 These Regulations shall come into force as of January 31, 2019。



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