Clean government system

Regulations on petition work

Release time: 2022-04-18 11:23:08 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

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(Deliberated and approved at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 24, 2022; Promulgated by the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on February 25, 2022)

  Chapter I General provisions

  第一条 为了坚持和加强党对信访工作的全面领导,做好新时代信访工作,保持党和政府同人民群众的密切联系,制定本条例。

  第二条 本条例适用于各级党的机关、人大机关、行政机关、政协机关、监察机关、审判机关、检察机关以及群团组织、国有企事业单位等开展信访工作。

  第三条 信访工作是党的群众工作的重要组成部分,是党和政府了解民情、集中民智、维护民利、凝聚民心的一项重要工作,是各级机关、单位及其领导干部、工作人员接受群众监督、改进工作作风的重要途径。

  第四条 信访工作坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强和改进人民信访工作的重要思想,Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",Bear in mind the political responsibility of solving the difficulties of the people and sharing the troubles of the Party,Uphold the people's sentiments,Adhere to the bottom line thinking, the rule of law thinking,Serve the overall work of the Party and the country,Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people,Resolve prominent problems in letters and visits,We will promote social harmony and stability。

  Article 5 The following principles shall be observed in the handling of complaint reporting:

  1. Upholding the Party's overall leadership。The Party's leadership will be implemented in all aspects and the whole process of petition work to ensure the correct political direction。

  2. Putting the people first。Practice the Party's mass line, listen to the voices of the people, care about their sufferings, and do everything possible to solve their problems。

  3. Fulfilling the responsibilities of petitioning。The party and government share responsibilities, one post and two responsibilities, territorial management, hierarchical responsibility, who is in charge, who is responsible。

  4. Solving problems in accordance with the law and policies。We will bring letters and visits under the rule of law, safeguard people's rights and interests in accordance with the law, and standardize the order of letters and visits。

  5. Addressing problems at the source。We will take a number of measures at the same time and adopt a comprehensive approach, focusing on prevention at the source and resolving disputes at the front end, and resolving conflicts and disputes that may lead to complaints at the grassroots level and in the bud。

  第六条 各级机关、单位应当畅通信访渠道,做好信访工作,认真处理信访事项,倾听人民群众建议、意见和要求,接受人民群众监督,为人民群众服务。

  Chapter Two: The working system of letters and visits

  第七条 坚持和加强党对信访工作的全面领导,构建党委统一领导、政府组织落实、信访工作联席会议协调、信访部门推动、各方齐抓共管的信访工作格局。

  Article 8 The Party Central Committee shall strengthen unified leadership over petitions work:

  (1) Strengthen political guidance, establish the political direction and principles of petition work, and strictly enforce political discipline and rules;



  第九条 地方党委领导本地区信访工作,贯彻落实党中央关于信访工作的方针政策和决策部署,执行上级党组织关于信访工作的部署要求,统筹信访工作责任体系构建,支持和督促下级党组织做好信访工作。

  The standing committees of local party committees shall regularly listen to reports on complaints and reporting work, analyze the situation, assign tasks, study major issues, and solve prominent problems。

  Article 10 Governments at all levels shall implement the requirements of the Party committee at the higher level, the government and the party committee at the same level on the deployment of complaint reporting work,Make decisions in a scientific and democratic manner and perform their duties in accordance with the law,We will organize all parties to step up efforts to resolve conflicts and disputes,Handling complaint reporting matters in a timely and proper manner,We will study and solve prominent problems related to policy and group petitions and difficult and complex petitions。

  第十一条 中央信访工作联席会议在党中央、国务院领导下,负责全国信访工作的统筹协调、整体推进、督促落实,履行下列职责:

  (1) To study and analyze the situation of letters and visits nationwide to provide reference for the central government's decision-making;

  (2) To supervise and supervise the implementation of the guidelines, policies, decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on petitions;

  (3) To study major issues and matters concerning the reform of the petition system and the construction of the petition rule of law;

  (4) To study and deploy key work tasks, coordinate and guide the solution of prominent problems with universal letters and visits;

  (5) To lead the organization of the implementation of the responsibility system for the work of letters and visits, supervision and assessment;

  (6) To guide the work of joint meetings on letters and visits at local levels;

  (7) To undertake other tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and The State Council。

  The Central Joint Meeting on Letters and visits work is convened by leading comrades of the Party Central Committee, The State Council and responsible comrades of relevant departments, and is attended by responsible comrades of all member units。The Office of the Central Joint Conference on Letters and Visits is located in the State Bureau for Letters and Calls, which undertakes the daily work of the joint conference and supervises and inspects the implementation of the matters agreed upon at the joint conference。

  Article 12 The Central Joint Meeting on Letters and visits shall hold plenary meetings or work meetings according to the needs of the work。When studying major issues related to the reform and development of complaint reporting work and handling opinions on important complaint reporting matters, they shall promptly request instructions and report to the Party Central Committee and The State Council。


  第十三条 地方各级信访工作联席会议在本级党委和政府领导下,负责本地区信访工作的统筹协调、整体推进、督促落实,协调处理发生在本地区的重要信访问题,指导下级信访工作联席会议工作。The convenor of the joint meeting is generally held by the Party committee and the government responsible comrades。

  地方党委和政府应当根据信访工作形势任务,及时调整成员单位,健全Rules and regulations,建立健全信访信息分析研判、重大信访问题协调处理、联合督查等工作机制,提升联席会议工作的科学化、制度化、规范化水平。


  Article 14 The Party committees and the complaint reporting departments of governments at all levels shall be the specialized agencies for complaint reporting and shall perform the following duties:

  (1) to accept, transmit and assign to handling complaint reporting matters;

  (2) coordinating the settlement of important complaint reporting issues;

  (3) To supervise and inspect the handling and implementation of important complaint reporting matters;

  (4) Comprehensively reflect the information of letters and visits, analyze and judge the situation of letters and visits, and provide decision-making reference for Party committees and governments;

  (5) To guide the handling of complaints and reporting by other organs and units at the same level and at lower levels;

  (6) To put forward suggestions for improving work, perfecting policies and holding people accountable;

  (7) Undertake other matters assigned by the Party committee and the government at the same level。


  第十五条 各级党委和政府以外的其他机关、单位应当做好各自职责范围内的信访工作,按照规定及时受理办理信访事项,预防和化解政策性、群体性信访问题,加强对下级机关、单位信访工作的指导。



  第十六条 各级党委和政府应当加强信访部门建设,选优配强领导班子,配备与形势任务相适应的工作力量,建立健全信访督查专员制度,打造高素质专业化信访干部队伍。The main responsible comrade of the Party committee at all levels and the government petition department shall be the deputy secretary general of the Party committee or the government at the same level [deputy director of the General Office (office)]。

  Party schools (administrative colleges) at all levels shall incorporate the work of petitions into their teaching and training as the content of Party spirit education, and strengthen the education and training of cadres。

  Organs and units at all levels shall establish and improve the training system for young cadres and newly recruited cadres to the post of complaint reporting。

  Party committees and governments at all levels shall provide necessary support and guarantee for the complaint reporting work, and the funds required shall be included in the budgets at the corresponding levels。

  Chapter III The presentation and acceptance of complaint reporting matters

  第十七条 公民、法人或者其他组织可以采用信息网络、书信、电话、传真、走访等形式,向各级机关、单位反映情况,提出建议、意见或者投诉请求,有关机关、单位应当依规依法处理。

  A citizen, legal person or other organization that reflects the situation, puts forward suggestions, opinions or requests for complaints in the form prescribed in the preceding paragraph is referred to as a complainant。

  第十八条 各级机关、单位应当向社会公布网络信访渠道、通信地址、咨询投诉电话、信访接待的时间和地点、查询信访事项处理进展以及结果的方式等相关事项,The Party's regulations, laws, regulations and rules relating to the work of complaint reporting shall be published at the reception places for complaint reporting or on their websites,Procedures for handling complaints,And other matters related to providing convenience for petitioners。



  No organization or individual may retaliate against a complainant。

  Article 19 A complainant shall generally submit the matter in writing, and state his/her name (name), address, request, facts and reasons。The relevant authorities and units shall record the matters submitted orally。

  When a complainant proposes a complaint or report, he shall be objective and true and shall be responsible for the authenticity of the contents of the materials he provides. He shall not fabricate or distort the facts, nor shall he falsely accuse or frame others。


  第二十条 信访人采用走访形式提出信访事项的,应当到有权处理的本级或者上一级机关、单位设立或者指定的接待场所提出。

  The complainant shall, in the form of visiting, raise the complaint reporting matter involving the relief of litigation rights to the relevant political and legal departments in accordance with the procedures prescribed by laws and regulations。

  Where more than one person submits a common complaint or report in the form of visits, representatives shall be elected, and the number of representatives shall not exceed 5。

  Organs and units at all levels shall fulfill their territorial responsibilities, earnestly receive and handle visits from the masses, solve problems locally, and guide complainants and visitors to report problems on the spot。

  第二十一条 各级党委和政府应当加强信访工作信息化、智能化建设,依规依法有序推进信访信息系统互联互通、信息共享。


  第二十二条 各级党委和政府信访部门收到信访事项,应当予以登记,并区分情况,在15日内分别按照下列方式处理:




  各级党委和政府信访部门对收到的涉法涉诉信件,应当转送同级政法部门依法处理;对走访反映涉诉问题的信访人,应当释法明理,引导其向有关政法部门反映问题。The complaint and complaint matters accepted by the discipline inspection and supervision organ shall be transferred to the relevant discipline inspection and supervision organ for handling in accordance with the regulations and discipline according to law in accordance with the administrative authority。

  Article 23 The Party Committee and other organs and units other than the letter-visiting department of the government receive the letter-visiting matters directly raised by the letter-visiting person,It shall be registered;Those that fall within the scope of functions and powers of the organ or unit concerned,The complainant shall be informed of the reception and the ways and procedures for handling it;Those that fall within the scope of functions and powers of the organs and units at lower levels of the system,It shall be transferred to and handed over to the organ or unit that has the power to handle it,And inform the complainant of the transfer, assigned to the destination;Those that do not fall within the scope of the functions and powers of this organ, unit or system,The complainant shall be informed to lodge the complaint with the competent organ or unit。


  The complaint reporting matters transferred or assigned to the Party Committee and the government's complaint reporting department or the higher organs and units of the system,It falls within the scope of functions and powers of its own organ or unit,有关机关、单位应当自收到之日起15日内书面告知信访人接收情况以及处理途径和程序;不属于本机关、单位或者本系统职权范围的,The relevant authorities and units shall raise objections within 5 working days from the date of receipt,And explain the reasons in detail,After being transferred or assigned to the complaint reporting department or the higher authority or unit after verification and approval,Return relevant materials。

  The political and legal departments dealing with matters involving litigation rights relief, discipline inspection and supervision organs dealing with complaints of matters informed in accordance with the relevant provisions。

  Article 24 Complaint reporting matters involving two or more organs or units,It shall be accepted through consultation by the organs and units involved;Accept disputes,The organ or unit at the next higher level shall decide on the accepting organ;Accepting disputes without a common organ or unit at the next higher level,It shall be coordinated and handled by the joint meeting of the common petition work。


  Article 25 Organs and units at all levels shall be responsible for major and urgent complaint reporting matters and complaint reporting information that may have social impact,The Party committee and government at the corresponding level shall be timely reported,Inform the relevant competent departments and the office of the Joint Conference on Letters and Visits work at the same level,Take timely measures within the scope of their duties according to law,Prevent the emergence and expansion of adverse effects。

  Local party committees and government petition departments at all levels shall report major and urgent petition matters and information to the petition department at the next higher level, and at the same time report to the State Bureau for Letters and Calls。

  第二十六条 信访人在信访过程中应当遵守法律、法规,不得损害国家、社会、集体的利益和其他公民的合法权利,自觉维护社会公共秩序和信访秩序,不得有下列行为:


  (2) Carrying dangerous goods and controlled appliances;

  (3) insulting, beating or threatening functionors of state organs or units, illegally restricting the personal freedom of others, or destroying property;

  (4) staying in the reception place for letters and visits, causing trouble, or leaving a person who is unable to take care of himself or herself in the reception place for letters and visits;

  (5) inciting, connecting, coerce, inducing or manipulating others' letters and visits behind the scenes, or collecting money in the name of letters and visits;

  (6) Other acts that disturb public order and impair state and public security。

  Chapter IV Handling of complaint reporting matters

  Article 27 Organs, units and their staff at all levels shall, in accordance with their respective functions and relevant provisions,In accordance with the requirements of reasonable problem solving in place, unreasonable ideological education in place, help and assistance in difficult life in place, and legal treatment of illegal behavior,To address the legitimate and reasonable demands of the people in a timely and local manner in accordance with the law and policies,Maintain the normal order of letters and visits。

  第二十八条 各级机关、单位及其工作人员办理信访事项,应当恪尽职守、秉公办事,查明事实、分清责任,加强教育疏导,及时妥善处理,不得推诿、敷衍、拖延。


  Staff members of organs and units at all levels who have a direct interest in the complaint reporting matter or the complainant shall withdraw。

  Article 29 The authorities and units that have the power to deal with matters such as the situation reported by the complainant or the suggestions and opinions put forward shall seriously study and demonstrate。If it is scientifically reasonable and realistically feasible, it shall adopt it or adopt it in part and give a reply。


  Party committees and governments at all levels shall improve the system for soliciting people's suggestions and take the initiative to listen to the people's suggestions and opinions on important work concerning the national economy and people's livelihood。

  第三十条 对信访人提出的检举控告类事项,纪检监察机关或者有权处理的机关、单位应当依规依纪依法接收、受理、办理和反馈。

  党委和政府信访部门应当按照干部管理权限向组织(人事)部门通报反映干部问题的信访情况,重大情况向党委主要负责同志和分管组织(人事)工作的负责同志报送。The organization (personnel) department shall handle the matter in accordance with the relevant provisions on the supervision of the selection and appointment of cadres。

  The complainant's reporting or disclosure materials and relevant information shall not be disclosed or transferred to the person or unit being reported or disclosed。

  Article 31 The organs and units that have the power to deal with the complaints submitted by the complainants and visitors shall, depending on the circumstances, handle them respectively in the following ways:


  (2) If the case shall be settled by arbitration, the relevant procedures shall be introduced。

  (3) If it can be resolved through party members' appeals or applications for reexamination, the relevant procedures shall be introduced for processing。

  (4) If it can be resolved through administrative procedures such as administrative reconsideration, administrative ruling, administrative confirmation, administrative license, administrative punishment, etc., it shall be processed through corresponding procedures。

  (5) Where the application for investigation and punishment of illegal acts, the performance of the protection of personal rights or property rights and other legitimate rights and interests, shall be performed or answered in accordance with the law。

  (6) If it does not fall under the above circumstances, the complainant shall be heard to state the facts and reasons, investigate and verify, and issue a letter of opinion on handling the complaint。Hearings may be held on major, complex or difficult complaint reporting matters。

  Article 32 The written opinion on the handling of complaint reporting shall set forth the complaint request of the complainant, the facts and reasons, the handling opinions and the legal and regulatory basis:

  (1) Support the request if the facts are clear and the request complies with laws, regulations, rules or other relevant provisions;

  (2) If the cause of the request is reasonable but lacks legal basis, an explanation shall be given;

  (3) The request lacks factual basis or does not comply with laws, regulations, rules or other relevant provisions, shall not be supported。


  第三十三条 各级机关、单位在处理申诉求决类事项过程中,可以在不违反Policies and regulations强制性规定的情况下,在裁量权范围内,经争议双方当事人同意进行调解;可以引导争议双方当事人自愿和解。If a consensus is reached after mediation or reconciliation, a mediation agreement or a reconciliation agreement shall be made。

  第三十四条 对本条例第三十一条第六项规定的信访事项应当自受理之日起60日内办结;情况复杂的,经本机关、单位负责人批准,可以适当延长办理期限,但延长期限不得超过30日,并告知信访人延期理由。

  第三十五条 信访人对信访处理意见不服的,可以自收到书面答复之日起30日内请求原办理机关、单位的上一级机关、单位复查。The organ or unit that receives the request for review shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request for review, put forward its opinion on review and give a written reply。

  第三十六条 信访人对复查意见不服的,可以自收到书面答复之日起30日内向复查机关、单位的上一级机关、单位请求复核。The organ or unit that has received the request for review shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request for review, submit the opinion for review。

  Review organs and units may hold hearings in accordance with the provisions of item 6 of Article 31 of these Regulations, and review opinions after hearing may be publicized to the public according to law。The time required for a hearing shall not be counted within the time limit specified in the preceding paragraph。

  If the complainant refuses to accept the review opinion and still makes a complaint request on the same facts and reasons, the Party committee at all levels, the complaint and visiting departments of the government and other organs and units will no longer accept the request。

  第三十七条 各级机关、单位应当坚持社会矛盾纠纷多元预防调处化解,人民调解、行政调解、司法调解联动,综合运用法律、政策、经济、行政等手段和教育、协商、疏导等办法,多措并举化解矛盾纠纷。

  各级机关、单位在办理信访事项时,对生活确有困难的信访人,可以告知或者帮助其向有关机关或者机构依法申请社会救助。Where the conditions for judicial assistance of the State are met, the relevant political and legal departments shall provide judicial assistance in accordance with the provisions。


  Chapter V Supervision and accountability

  Article 38 Party committees and governments at all levels shall organize special supervision and inspection of the conduct of complaint reporting work and the implementation of the responsibilities of complaint reporting work。


  Party committees and government supervision departments at all levels shall include difficult and complex complaints in the scope of supervision。

  Article 39 Party committees and governments at all levels shall, guided by the timely and local settlement of complaints and reporting in accordance with regulations and laws, assess the work of complaints and reporting every year。The assessment results should be reported within the appropriate scope and serve as an important reference for the comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the leading team and relevant leading cadres。

  Organs, units or individuals that have made outstanding achievements and contributions in the handling of complaints and reporting may be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant provisions。


  第四十条 党委和政府信访部门发现有关机关、单位存在违反信访工作规定受理、办理信访事项,办理信访事项推诿、敷衍、拖延、弄虚作假或者拒不执行信访处理意见等情形的,应当及时督办,并提出改进工作的建议。

  The relevant policy problems found in the course of work shall be reported to the Party committee and the government at the same level in a timely manner, and suggestions for improving the policies shall be put forward。


  The relevant authorities and units shall give written feedback on the adoption of the suggestions put forward by the complaint reporting departments to improve their work, perfect policies and investigate responsibilities。

  第四十一条 党委和政府信访部门应当编制信访情况年度报告,每年向本级党委和政府、上一级党委和政府信访部门报告。The annual report shall include the following:

  (1) Data statistics of complaint reporting matters, the areas involved in complaint reporting matters, and the organs and units that have been complained about more;

  (2) the transfer, assignment and supervision of Party committees and government petition departments;

  (3) Suggestions made by the Party Committee and the government's complaint and visiting departments to improve their work, improve policies, investigate responsibilities, and their adoption;

  (4) Other matters that should be reported。

  According to the requirements of patrol inspection work,The Party Committee and the government complaint and reporting department shall provide the inspection and reporting agency with the relevant complaint and reporting report of the inspected area, the leading group of the unit and its members and the principal person at the next level,We will implement the responsibility system for handling complaints,Important issues concerning letters and visits with a tendency and tendency,Important matters concerning letters and visits that require the attention of inspection and inspection work。

  第四十二条 因下列情形之一导致信访事项发生,造成严重后果的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依规依纪依法严肃处理;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:

  (1) exceeding or abusing its power, infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations;

  (2) infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization by acting instead of acting;

  (3) Wrongful application of laws or regulations or violation of legal procedures, infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations;

  (4) refusing to implement the opinions of the competent authorities and units in support of the request for complaint reporting。

  Article 43 Party committees and government complaint reporting departments at all levels shall register, transmit and hand over the complaint reporting matters received, but fail to do so in accordance with the provisions,Or fails to perform the duties of supervision,The higher authority shall order it to make corrections;Causing serious consequences,The directly responsible persons in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with regulations, discipline and law。

  第四十四条 负有受理信访事项职责的机关、单位有下列情形之一的,由其上级机关、单位责令改正;造成严重后果的,The directly responsible persons in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with regulations, discipline and law:

  (1) failing to register the complaint reporting matters received in accordance with relevant regulations;

  (2) refusing to accept the complaint reporting matters that fall within the scope of its authority;

  (3) failing to inform the complainant in writing within the prescribed time limit whether the complaint is accepted or not。

  第四十五条 对信访事项有权处理的机关、单位有下列情形之一的,由其上级机关、单位责令改正;造成严重后果的,The directly responsible persons in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with regulations, discipline and law:

  (1) evasion, perfunctory, delay in handling the complaint reporting matter or failure to complete the complaint reporting matter within the prescribed time limit;

  (2) failing to support a complaint request that is clear about the facts and complies with laws, regulations, rules or other relevant provisions;

  (3) Insufficient attention and ineffective implementation of suggestions for improvement of work and policies put forward by Party committees and government petition departments, resulting in long-term failure to solve the problem;

  (4) other circumstances of failing to perform or incorrectly performing the duties of handling complaint reporting matters。

  第四十六条 有关机关、单位及其领导干部、工作人员有下列情形之一的,由其上级机关、单位责令改正;造成严重后果的,The directly responsible persons in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with regulations, discipline and law;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:

  (1) bad attitude towards complainants and visitors, rude style, damaging the relationship between the Party and the masses;

  (2) taking bribes or seeking personal gains in the course of handling complaint reporting matters;

  (3) Ineffective handling of large-scale collective visits and negative public opinions, leading to the expansion of the situation;

  (4) concealing, falsely reporting or delaying the reporting of major or urgent complaint reporting matters and complaint reporting information that may cause social impact, or failing to take necessary measures in a timely manner according to law;

  (5) disclosing or transferring the complainant's reporting or disclosure materials or relevant information to the person or unit being reported or disclosed;

  (6) retaliate against the complainant;

  (7) Other violations of discipline and law。

  第四十七条 信访人违反本条例第二十条、第二十六条规定的,有关机关、单位工作人员应当对其进行劝阻、批评或者教育。



  Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

  Article 48 The handling of complaints by foreigners, stateless persons and foreign organizations shall be carried out with reference to these Regulations。

  Article 49 The State Bureau for Letters and Calls shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

  Article 50 These Regulations shall come into force as of May 1, 2022。


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