Creative activities


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  "A great power is as big as it is heavy。A thousand things, in the end, is a thousand families。”在二〇二二年新年贺词中,习近平主席温暖的话语,真挚的感情,彰显大党大国领袖深厚的人民情怀,诠释中国共产党人不变的价值追求。
  "Only when thousands of households do well can the country and the nation do well.。The families that constitute "thousands of households" are the basic cells of society。
  The heart of the people's livelihood is warm and cold。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视家庭文明建设,积极回应人民群众对家庭建设的新期盼新需求,推动社会主义核心价值观在家庭落地生根,推动形成社会主义家庭文明新风尚。
  Strive to make tens of millions of families become an important basis point for national development and become a place where people dream of setting sail
  Family harmony brings prosperity。The Chinese nation has always attached great importance to the family. As the saying goes, "The foundation of the world lies in the state and the foundation of the country is at home."。
  "The line in the hands of the loving mother, the wandering son's clothes。Leaving dense seam, meaning fear of late return。Who said inch grass heart, reported three chunhui。”2015年春节前夕,习近平总书记在春节团拜会上引用诗人孟郊的名篇《欧洲杯买球赛平台》,表露出深厚的家庭情结。他强调,不论时代发生多大变化,不论生活格局发生多大变化,我们都要重视家庭建设,注重家庭、注重家教、注重家风。
  On December 12, 2016, the lobby of the conference building of Jingxi Hotel was crowded with people and the atmosphere was warm。Dressed in various costumes, the first national civilized family representatives were full of spirit and smiling with joy。习近平总书记在会见第一届全国文明家庭代表时,盛赞代表们的事迹“温暖了人心,诠释了文明,传播了正能量,为全社会树立了榜样”,充满感情地“点赞”他们“都是好样的!”
  “我们要重视家庭文明建设,努力使千千万万个家庭成为国家发展、民族进步、社会和谐的重要基点,成为人们梦想启航的地方。The general Secretary's exhortations are still in his ears。
  Home is the smallest country, the country is thousands of。中国人历来讲求精忠报国,革命战争年代母亲教儿打东洋、妻子送郎上战场,社会主义建设时期先大家后小家、为大家舍小家,都体现着向上的家庭追求,体现着高尚的家国情怀。
  Filial piety at home and loyalty to the country are fine traditions of the Chinese nation。2019年2月3日,习近平总书记在春节团拜会上说:“没有国家繁荣发展,就没有家庭幸福美满。Similarly, without millions of happy families, no country can prosper。我们要在全社会大力弘扬家国情怀,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义精神,提倡爱家爱国相统一,让每个人、每个家庭都为中华民族大家庭作出贡献。”
  "Each of us has our own family。A healthy family life nourishes the body and mind and encourages leaders to concentrate on their work。反过来,领导干部的思想境界和一言一行,又直接影响着家庭其他成员,在很大程度上决定着自己的家风家貌。群众看领导干部,往往要看领导干部亲属和身边工作人员,往往从这里来判断领导干部是否廉洁奉公,进而从这里来看党风Construction of clean government的成效。”2015年12月28日至29日,习近平总书记主持十八届中共中央政治局“三严三实”专题民主生活会时指出,能不能过好亲情关特别是家属子女关,对我们每个人都是很现实的考验。
  2020年12月24日至25日,习近平总书记主持中共中央政治局民主生活会时强调:“中央政治局的同志必须修身律己,慎终如始,时刻自重自省自警自励,做到慎独慎初慎微慎友。Cherish your integrity as much as you cherish your life, and be a spotless person。We must take the lead in running the family with integrity and in opposing privilege。”
  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要注重发挥妇女在弘扬中华民族家庭美德、树立良好家风方面的独特作用,这关系到家庭和睦,关系到社会和谐,关系到下一代健康成长。
  广大家庭都要重言传、重身教,教知识、育品德,身体力行、耳濡目染,Help children buckle their first buttons in life
  The family is the child's first classroom, parents are the child's first teacher。习近平总书记高度重视家庭教育,多次发表重要讲话、作出重要指示。总书记强调,广大家庭都要重言传、重身教,教知识、育品德,身体力行、耳濡目染,Help children buckle their first buttons in life,迈好人生的第一个台阶。
  "Young people are the future and hope of the family, but also the future and hope of the country。As the ancients know, raising or not teaching is the fault of the father。Parents should shoulder the responsibility of educating their offspring。Parents, especially parents, have a great influence on their children, often affecting a person's life。December 12, 2016,习近平总书记在会见第一届全国文明家庭代表时强调:“作为父母和家长,Good moral values should be passed on to children from an early age,Guide them to have the integrity and backbone of a human being,Help them form a good mind,Promote their healthy growth,Grow up to be useful to the country and the people。”
  Family education involves many aspects, but the most important is moral education, how to be a man。
  November 2, 2018,习近平总书记在同全国妇联新一届领导班子成员集体谈话时指出:“我在党的十九大报告中提出了培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人的战略任务,Women's federations should focus on this major issue,In the family work to find the point of ethics and cultivate people,Help children buckle their first buttons in life。”
  Since January 1st this year,The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education was officially implemented,Family education is a traditional mode based on family rules, family instructions and family letters,向以法治为引领和驱动、以社会主义核心价值观为主要内容、以立德树人为根本任务的新模式迭代升级,Raising family education from the traditional "family matter" to the important "state affairs" in the new era。
  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要在家庭中培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,引导家庭成员特别是下一代热爱党、热爱祖国、热爱人民、热爱中华民族。
  社会主义核心价值观是当代中国精神的集中体现,凝结着全体人民共同的价值追求。We should focus on cultivating new people who will take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,We will strengthen education, guidance, practice, and institutional guarantees,发挥社会主义核心价值观对国民教育、精神文明创建、精神文化产品创作生产传播的引领作用,We will integrate core socialist values into all aspects of social development,Transformed into people's emotional identity and behavior habits。The general secretary's words are sonorous and powerful。
  “习爷爷来了!”2014年5月30日上午9时30分,北京市海淀区民族小学里响起了掌声和欢呼声。On the eve of "61" International Children's Day,习近平总书记为北京市海淀区民族小学的学生们上了一堂通俗易懂的“社会主义核心价值观”课,强调“特别要注重从少年儿童抓起”“少年儿童培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,Adapt to your age and characteristics,Do remember the requirements, have a role model, start small, accept help。”
  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed:“广泛开展理想信念教育,深化中国特色社会主义和中国梦宣传教育,弘扬民族精神和时代精神,加强爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育,引导人们树立正确的历史观、民族观、国家观、文化观。深入实施公民道德Construction project,推进社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德建设,激励人们向上向善、孝老爱亲,忠于祖国、忠于人民。”
  广大家庭都要弘扬优良家风,以千千万万家庭的好家风支撑起全社会的好风气。In particular, leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in grasping family customs
  The "home" of the family is the "home" of the family, but also the "home" of the country.。Family tradition is an important part of social atmosphere。广大家庭都要弘扬优良家风,以千千万万家庭的好家风支撑起全社会的好风气。
  Good family tradition leads people upward to good, but bad family tradition will corrupt the social atmosphere and cause endless harm。Judging from the cases investigated and dealt with in recent years, the cadres with problems generally have improper family style and lax family discipline。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央身体力行、率先垂范,坚定推进全面从严治党,打虎拍蝇,正风肃纪,党风政风为之一新,党心民心为之一振。
  November 17, 2012,习近平总书记主持十八届中共中央政治局第一次集体学习时指出:“各级领导干部特别是高级干部要自觉遵守廉政准则,He is strict with himself,It also strengthened the education and restraint of relatives and staff around them,Never allow the use of power for personal gain,No privileges are allowed。”
  What kind of cadres can "revitalize the state"?一名共产党员的形象,深深印刻在习近平的心中。
  In February 1966, Xinhua News Agency broadcast a long newsletter "County Party Secretary's Example - Jiao Yulu"。政治课上,老师读到这篇文章,读着读着便哽咽了,习近平和同学们听着听着也泪流满面。
  “我后来无论是上山下乡、上大学、参军入伍,还是做领导工作,焦裕禄同志的形象一直在我心中。Xi Jinping said。
  习近平曾对焦裕禄之子焦国庆说:“你看了一场‘白戏’,你父亲还专门召开了家庭会议,起草了《欧洲杯365买球》,规定任何干部在任何时候都不能搞特殊化。The story of "watching white drama" has always been deeply imprinted in my mind。”
  2014年3月,习近平重访兰考时会见了焦裕禄的5个子女。二女儿焦守云对总书记说:“我们一定传承好父亲的精神,保持家教家风”。After hearing this, the general secretary nodded and said: "Good family style, good family style.。”
  No rules, no square。以习近平同志为核心的党中央为家风建设定下了“明规矩”:
  党的十八届六中全会审议通过的《欧洲杯365买球》中要求:“领导干部特别是高级干部必须注重家庭、家教、家风,教育管理好亲属和身边工作人员”“禁止利用职权或影响力为家属亲友谋求特殊照顾,Family members and relatives of leading officials are prohibited from interfering in the work within the scope of their powers and powers, and interfering in personnel arrangements."
  Relevant policies and regulations were introduced intensively, and the construction of family style was raised to a high level of the system。
  It is an important factor for cadres to grow up and become talented to cultivate themselves by virtue, to stand up and to serve the public by virtue。December 9, 2016,习近平总书记主持十八届中共中央政治局第三十七次集体学习时强调:“领导干部要努力成为全社会的道德楷模,Take the lead in practicing core socialist values,Uphold party spirit, emphasize moral conduct, and set an example,Take the lead to pay attention to family, family, family style,To maintain the noble character and integrity of Communists,We will take concrete actions to encourage the whole society to uphold morality, be good, respect the law and abide by the law。”
  Leading cadres should maintain a solid line of defense against corruption and change, and set up defenses at various levels and everywhere。习近平总书记谆谆叮嘱:“要守住交往关,交往必须有原则、有规矩,不断净化社交圈、生活圈、朋友圈。We should keep our life close, cultivate healthy taste, advocate simple life, and maintain the true nature of Communists。要守住亲情关,严格家教家风,既要自己以身作则,又要对亲属子女看得紧一点、管得勤一点。”
  Family, tutor and family style are organically unified and closely related。家庭和睦,社会才能和谐;家教良好,未来才有希望;家风纯正,社风才会充满正能量。
  A great era calls for a great spirit, and a noble cause requires the guidance of an example。近年来,对于各地区各行业涌现出的道德模范,习近平总书记为他们鼓劲“点赞”,号召大家向道德模范学习。
  "We should follow the requirements put forward by the 18th National Congress of the Party to cultivate and practice socialist core values.,Attach great importance to and effectively strengthen moral development,We will promote education in social ethics, professional ethics, family virtues, and individual morality,Promote patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness and other basic moral norms,Cultivate a good fashion of knowing honor and shame, speaking righteousness, making dedication and promoting harmony。The general Secretary's words were resounding。
  Cultural confidence is the most basic, profound and lasting force in the development of a country and a nation。A positive culture is an important bond for a country and a nation to share weal and woe。
  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,We should actively spread the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation,Convey the concepts of respect for the old and love for the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, diligence and thrift, and neighborhood unity,Advocate the concept of loyalty, responsibility, affection, learning and public welfare,推动人们在为家庭谋幸福、为他人送温暖、为社会作贡献的过程中提高精神境界、培育文明风尚。
  Excellent rural culture can boost the spirit of the countryside, enhance the cohesion of farmers, and breed good social customs。
  The general secretary has always attached importance to the construction of family civilization。
  “要旗帜鲜明反对天价彩礼,旗帜鲜明把反对铺张浪费、反对婚丧大操大办、抵制封建迷信作为农村精神文明建设的重要内容,推动移风易俗,树立文明乡风。要发挥红白理事会、村规民约的积极作用,约束村民攀比炫富、铺张浪费的行为,引导树立勤俭节约的文明新风。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed。
  2016年12月12日,习近平总书记在会见第一届全国文明家庭代表时指出:“各级党委和政府要充分认识家庭文明建设的重要性,负起领导责任,切实把家庭文明建设摆上议事日程。工会、共青团、妇联等群众团体要结合自身特点,积极组织开展家庭文明建设活动。All parties should be enthusiastic about caring for and helping families living in difficulties, and help them to solve their problems。精神文明建设工作部门要发挥统筹、协调、指导、督促作用,动员社会各界广泛参与,推动形成爱国爱家、相亲相爱、向上向善、共建共享的社会主义家庭文明新风尚。”
  全国妇联常态化开展寻找“最美家庭”、五好家庭创建等活动,截至2021年底,共揭晓全国最美家庭6808户,推选出539.890,000 most beautiful families of all kinds and at all levels, and 9,912 national five good families were commended;
  "The family and the world are settled。Set foot on a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and march toward the second centenary goal,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引下,The majority of families should take the new era family concept as a daily moral code and code of conduct,Unite love of home and love of country,The realization of personal dreams, family dreams into the national dream, national dream,Think in the same place,Try to pull together,We will pool the wisdom and passion of more than 400 million families and 1.4 billion people,形成全面建设社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的磅礴力量!


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